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Comfort is The Enemy of Progress.

I heard this inspiring quote recently in the new film The Greatest Showman. I loved the movie so much I watched it twice... and cried twice. It wasn't until the second time around I felt an overwhelming sensation all over my body and in my heart after hearing these six words."Comfort is The Enemy of Progress". I had just come up with the word I chose to focus on in 2018 a few days prior. Growth.

Comfort can also be argued as the enemy of growth I thought. As I continued to ponder on this quote, I left the movie theater and remembered the year of comfort I just had.

2017 was my repair year. I went through a lot of heart breaking things in 2016. Things I will share in the future. I needed to heal. I decided to move back home with my family (very humbling experience by the way. You should try it!) after not living with them for three years. I accepted the best job I've ever had, and joined the professional singles ministry in my church. So many changes, but so many good changes. At first, I was nervous and unsure of the big decisions I made, but soon I would find comfort in all the good that came from these choices.

I found joy in being able to give freely without financial strain. I experienced what it feels like to be unified, and on the same mission without any sense of negative competition with my peers at work and in my ministry. I was able to create so many happy memories with my family that I'll have for a lifetime. I was able to repair strained relationships and let go of past hurts. Life was and still is good.

I spent so much time mending I hadn't really focused on trying to grow. Some will say "Brittané... what do you mean? Healing is growing!" and I wouldn't disagree with them. I would say healing is the beginning of growth. As I reflected on 2017 I realized I became so content in the new life I was living. I forgot to dig deeper and search for how I can better myself. How I could be better in being more disciplined, creating healthier habits, and developing stronger character.

That is why comfort WAS the enemy of progress in my life, but will no longer be! 2018 is already proving to be the year I step out of my comfort zone and progress towards the woman I was meant to be... created to be.

Thank you for reading. Stick around to see all the growth 2018 will bring.

Brightest Regards,



"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea."

Isak Dinesen

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